Madden NFL 12: A Full Review & Overall Rating; Is It Worth Your Time and Money? (2025)

Madden NFL 12: A Full Review & Overall Rating; Is It Worth Your Time and Money? (1)

The ultimate hype machine in the video game world has to be the parade that surrounds the annual release of Madden. The only other game even close in fanfare is Call Of Duty.

The entire football world seems to be involved with the marketing for EA's cash cow.

Anything with this much hype is bound to disappoint its share of people. It will also be the recipient of some unfair criticism from online trolls whose sole purpose in life is to bash people and things online.

I have lived and breathed Madden 12 for over a week now, and I have placed my thoughts and impressions together to produce this review.

Let's take a close look at this year's version with an evaluation of every aspect.

Graphics & Animation

Visual excellence is a prerequisite for just about any game nowadays. That said, it only takes a game so far. Madden is indeed a great looking game. Improvements to player models are subtle; the most noticeable upgrades are to equipment detail, the 3D grass and lighting.

Madden NFL 12: A Full Review & Overall Rating; Is It Worth Your Time and Money? (2)

Jay Cutler

The lighting effects have several more stages now than before. The progression doesn't simply change from light to dark at halftime of games with a 4:15 start. It gradually gets darker, this is a nice realistic addition.

In regards to player detail, there are far more accurate facial depictions of players. The players that EA have added detail likenesses of are done spot on. Take a look at Jay Cutler, Aaron Rodgers, Chad Ocho Cinco and Stephen Jackson.

There are also an increased amount of facial animations after plays and on the sidelines.

The weather effects are decent, but it would have been nice to see the field more impacted by inclimate weather. Especially considering details like scratches and scuffs that appear on the arms and helmets of players as the game goes on.

There is nothing visually to dislike about Madden 12, but still, some things to wish for next year.

I rate this category an 8.75 out of 10.

Gameplay & Realism

There are so many things about Madden over the years that sports gamers have hated. Little nuances that diminished the simulation value of the game play.

In Madden 12, EA has addressed many of those things. First off, the issue of suction blocking. That is the instance where an offensive lineman locks on to a defender in close proximity and the defender seems to be vacuumed into the block.

It kind of looks like those deep reflective scenes in all of Spike Lee's movies where the main character is gliding. Well, that issue is gone, all blocks come from actual contact.

The "Rocket Catch" was a favorite of any gamer that used elite receivers like Randy Moss or Terrell Owens. The catch itself is not completely removed, but the unrealistic instances that it occurred in are gone.

No longer will this animation have a time-stopping effect on the defense and allow a ridiculous catch in traffic.

This is not to say great players won't do things that great players can do. The spectacular is definitely still in full effect, but it has more of an impact because it is in the proper situation.

Madden NFL 12: A Full Review & Overall Rating; Is It Worth Your Time and Money? (3)

The Enemy Aaron Rodgers

The running game is top notch, it is the best I've ever played in a video game football.

The passing game has grown leaps and bounds on both sides of the ball. There is a great level of authenticity with QB arm motions and accuracy levels.

On the defensive side of the ball, zone defenses react with a much more realistic level of intelligence.

The days of slants till the cows come home are done, even on the default skill level.

The game play for Madden 12 is the best it has been in the life of the long-time series. That is a huge statement to make, but its true.

This is the best game play in the history of video game football.

I rate this category a 9.5 out of 10.

Sound & Presentation

I always group these two categories together, but in this case, the grouping will include one of Madden 12's best traits with it's worst.

Madden NFL 12: A Full Review & Overall Rating; Is It Worth Your Time and Money? (4)

Chad Ocho Cinco

The worst first, the sound value is terrible, primarily due to the dreadful commentating. It takes only two to three games before you are hearing the same phrases over and over.

They do attempt to add some conversational value between Cris Collinsworth and Gus Johnson, but the results are nowhere near the quality sports gamers can experience in the NBA2K series.

This entire approach needs to be scrapped, the entire commentating aspect should be done over from scratch.

The presentation value is a delightful contrast to the terrible sound. The game feels like a FOX or CBS NFL broadcast. Outstanding stat overlays, camera angles and player introductions are stellar.

Everything about the presentation isn't stellar though. Injuries aren't reported with the type of coverage and reaction that is consistent with the TV-style broadcast Madden is mimicking.

Also, EA has garnered the exclusive ESPN license but still won't incorporate a halftime show, a weekly wrap-up show that is worthy of the worldwide leader license.

To date, it is the must underutilized license in gaming. When NFL2K had the ESPN license, you saw Chris Berman and a weekly wrap-up show.

Madden NFL 12: A Full Review & Overall Rating; Is It Worth Your Time and Money? (5)

Stephen Jackson

EA really needs to step it up in this category, it is one of the few things holding its presentation package back from perfection.

I rate this category a seven out of 10.

Game Modes & Online Play

Madden 12 doesn't really bring any new modes of play to this year's version, but what it does is tighten up and polish the existing ones.

Madden Communities is new, but it isn't as much a new mode as it is an enhancement to your online experience.

Communities allow you to set game settings and have each person that is apart of the community play at these settings. This way, you're playing the style of game you want to play, all the time.

If you like playing 15-minute quarters with no accelerated clock, build the community and that will be the settings you and every member will play with.

Also, the return of Online Franchise and Madden Ultimate Team are welcomed returns. Online Franchise is largely unchanged, it would have been nice to make more features that mirror the offline version, but it is still a strong mode of play.

Ultimate Team has received some additions. The option to trade player cards as well as Legends packs are included.

Players can purchase Legends packs and add players like Walter Payton, Barry Sanders and others. They are only available in Ultimate Team right now, which sucks, but it's cool for the Ultimate Team mode.

As for offline modes, the Be A Superstar Mode has a few new wrinkles, but overall, it lacks the impact or difference from a regular franchise mode game, beyond controlling only one player.

Madden should take some notes from another EA published title, Fight Night Champion.

In Champion Mode on FNC, you take control of the lead character. He has to deal with several mode specific challenges on his route to the title.

Many of these things aren't exactly G-Rated, so the content would have to be tailored to the NFL's liking, but the idea could be pursued.

The Creation Zone options are completely unchanged with the exception of a couple of new pieces of equipment. Custom Logos for your Create A Team would have been nice but no luck there.

The traditional Franchise Mode is back of course, and it is great. It includes 75-man rosters so you will have a true to life meaningless preseason.

Back are player roles like Shutdown Corner and Clutch Receiver. This old feature is augmented by a new one called Hot and Cold Streaks.

Throughout the season, players will now go on hot and cold streaks based on their play in the previous game as well as mid-game miscues or successes.

It is a very realistic wrinkle and adds to the drama of the game and your season.

I rate this category a nine out of 10.


All things considered, this is the best Madden ever. It isn't perfect, and I'm not sure if that is possible, but there are some clear flaws.

However, it is a very encouraging sign that an even better product could be in store in 2013.

If you are a football gaming fan, this is a must have and a candidate for sports game of the year. At least until NBA2K12 comes out.

My overall rating for Madden 12 is an 8.5 out of 10

Madden NFL 12: A Full Review & Overall Rating; Is It Worth Your Time and Money? (6)

Also check out for reviews and sports gaming presentations.

Madden NFL 12: A Full Review & Overall Rating;  Is It Worth Your Time and Money? (2025)


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