1. Meet Me @ 1006 (2018) Reviews - MyDramaList
This drama is about 80% fun cute bickering couple, and 20% drama time confusion, mystery etc. This drama offers lots of frustration, interesting twists.
Ke Zhen Yu is a lawyer. Suave, handsome and successful, he has never lost a case. Until now. When he loses one of his most high-profile cases, Ke Zhen...
2. Meet Me @ 1006 Overall Review - Ninja Reflection
18 jun 2018 · After every great episode, I would find myself thinking “That was awesome but I bet the story will get boring from this point on.” Ready to ...
For those who didn’t follow this one, here is a synopsis and my first impression of the show: Ninja’s Overall Review: I will be completely honest, I had a fairly low expectation for thi…
3. Taiwanese Drama Review: Meet Me @ 1006 | The OOC Channel
31 jul 2018 · There were many twists and turns in this drama, but the biggest twist was great and unique and something that I had offhandedly predicted.
My first post in four months…I kinda want to cry. I’ve just been so busy and tired lately that I can’t believe I haven’t posted anything since March. I even wrote most of th…
4. Meet Me @ 1006 Review (Taiwanese Drama 2018) | Amanda Blacksmith
8 jul 2018 · Script is really interesting with many plot twist and time shuffles but some thread could be explained better at the very end. I had a feeling ...
This drama is like a three course dish in a very good restaurant with Michelin stars. The...
5. Dropped: Meet Me @ 1006 [Taiwan] - The Fangirl Verdict
Bevat niet: boring | Resultaten tonen met:boring
If you like this one, you'll know it pretty fast, and if you don't like this one, it won't take long for you to figure it out either.
6. Taiwan Archives - The Fangirl Verdict
There were two main reasons why I thought I would enjoy Meet Me @ 1006. The first one was, several of you spoke fondly of this drama, which piqued my interest.
7. Meet Me @1006- First Impression - Ninja Reflection
Bevat niet: boring | Resultaten tonen met:boring
Taiwanese Drama: Meet Me @1006 (1006的房客) Broadcast Date: 3/17/2018 Airs: Saturdays Total Episodes: 24 Leads: Lego Li & Nikki Hsieh Character Intro: Ke Chen Yu (Lego Li) As one who has not lost …
8. Meet Me @1006 (series, 2018) - Kinorium
Meet Me @1006 ... Description. Disgraced lawyer Ko Chen-Yu's apartment merges with a woman's past home nightly between 10:06—10:52. Down on his luck, he hopes she ...
Disgraced lawyer Ko Chen-Yu’s apartment merges with a woman’s past home nightly between 10:06–10:52. Down on his luck, he hopes she can help turn his life around.
9. Chinese Drama Review: A Love So Beautiful | The OOC Channel
19 aug 2018 · I started watching A Love So Beautiful on a whim, trying to find something to get my mind off the near-perfection of Meet Me @ 1006.
I started watching A Love So Beautiful on a whim, trying to find something to get my mind off the near-perfection of Meet Me @ 1006. All I knew about it was that it was a love story about two peopl…